Titahi Bay Volunteer Fire Brigade
Titahi Bay Fire Brigade is pleased to promote fire safety messages and other issues that arise in the Titahi Bay community.
Titahi Bay Fire is a volunteer station which means its members all live in your community and have an interest in protecting what you value. We train every Wednesday night from 7pm-9pm, and we will be looking for new recruits in the New Year. If you are interested please visit the New Zealand Fire Service Web site listed above.
The New Zealand Fire Service still attends too many house fires in which smoke alarms were either not installed or not working. Most fire fatalities occur in homes, mainly while people are sleeping when they can’t smell smoke. Smoke alarms are the best possible defence you and your family have from dying in a fire.
Where should I put smoke alarms?
For optimum smoke detection, long life photoelectric smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, living area and hallway in the house - on every level. However, this is not always practical. That's why we suggest, at an absolute minimum, that a long life photoelectric smoke alarm should be installed in the hallway closest to the bedrooms. This should be supplemented with other alarms as soon as circumstances permit.
Where not to put them?
Don't install smoke alarms in the kitchen, garage or bathrooms unless they are specially designed smoke alarms for those areas.
We can help
If you are unsure where to place your smoke alarms or would like help in getting them installed please contact the Titahi Bay Fire Brigade on 236 8073 and leave a message or email Sean using the business card email link above.