Titahi Bay Beach Watch
This section provides information on how you can help look after Titahi Bay beach.
Graffiti, vandalism, tagging and breaking bottles
If you see it happening, phone the Police on 111. If you discover it later, phone Porirua City Council on 237 5089, 24 hours 7 days.
Litter, garden waste and rubbish dumping
Phone Porirua City Council on 237 5089, 24 hours 7 days - litter officers can sometimes track down offenders! Garden rubbish can spread weeds. Take your rubbish to the Spicer Landfill rather than dumping it in a reserve.
Dangerous Driving
Note the vehicle licence plate, time and brief description of driver then phone the Police on 111.
Problem dogs
Call Animal Control at Porirua City Council on 237 5089, 24 hours 7 days.